After the Sun Highlighted by De Standaard
The Dutch edition of Jonas Eika’s critically acclaimed short story collection After the Sun has been highlighted by Belgian newspaper De Standaard:
“Airy-fairy, speculative, sexual, and mystical. In the pleasantly crazy short stories by the Danish author Jonas Eika, bodies rebel through sexual rituals, unrestrained desires, obscure financial speculations, and wild conspiracy theories. One of the highlights is the two-part Bad Mexican Dog, in which desperate and determined beach boys run their lungs out to smear the flaps and lobes of fat beachgoers with sunscreen. How far do you go along with your own oppression? Together with Olga Ravn and Asta Olivia Nordenhof, Eika is part of a young generation of Danish writers who pay no attention to dusty literary conventions. A relief!”
After the Sun was published in the Netherlands by Koppernik on February 22nd, 2024.