Bread and Milk Highlighted in Upsala Nya Tidning
Upsala Nya Tidning has listed the best audiobooks of the summer, and one of them is Karolina Ramqvist’s Bread and Milk. Here is what they had to say:
“There is something sensuous about the way that Karolina Ramqvist describes food. Grilled artichokes in her mother’s white soufflé dish, the pulp of a peach, shiny and moist, her grandmother’s rice pudding. […] At the same time, Bread and Milk is about a lack of something. More and more layers of a family history are uncovered through the memories of food, and it ends with heartbreaking clarity in an eating disorder. Listen and enjoy – a story about food can’t be more charged than this.”
Bread and Milk was published as an audiobook by Norstedts on April 19th.