Dorthe Nors’s Authorship Analyzed in The New York Review of Books
Renowned writer Lauren Groff has written an in-depth essay about the significant authorship of Dorthe Nors in the latest issue of The New York Review of Books.
Under the title “Herring-Gray Skies”, Groff explores the rich work of one of our most important contemporary writers. The article begins:
“How slippery the work of the Danish writer Dorthe Nors is, how it sideswipes and gleams. When I consider her four books translated into English—two story collections, a pair of novellas, one novel—I think of music. As with music, I can hold only small strands of Nors’s work in my mind at a time, while the whole composition eludes my grasp. Certain moments slide forward briefly, diffidently, to show themselves, before hiding: characters walk again and again in cemeteries, sing folk songs in the direction of the sea, ride ferries and horses and bicycles, wear yellow clogs, read books, drink takeout coffee, slowly topple over with vertigo. Nors’s fictional world is a world of conflicts gentler than those that animate most contemporary literature. What happens—the events that take place, the plots—is much less important than the delicate traces of emotion that drift through her characters.”
Click here to read the piece.