Even if Everything Ends Praised by Helsingin Sanomat
Jens Liljestrand’s critically acclaimed novel Even if Everything Ends has received a fantastic review from Finnish daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat:
“Sweden’s wildfires and the pandemic served as inspiation for a frightening vision that is lightened by humor. The climate crisis bursts the middle-class bubble in Jens Liljestrand’s novel. […] Liljestrand’s Sweden is stuck in the swamp of capitalist realism that lacks alternatives. Politicians arguing about health care for immigrants who are exposed to the smoke from the fires, hipster cafes serving avocado salad, and climate refugee camps falling into violence all coexist side by side – and you can’t even imagine a different system. When dealing with such a dark topic it can’t get too heavy. The story reads like a page-turner, and Liljestrand’s ironic humor calls to mind Ruben Östlund’s satires on the Swedish bourgeoisie and Don DeLillo’s postmodern classic White Noise.”
Even if Everything Ends was published in Finland by WSOY on October 4th.