Frida Skybäck Nominated for French Prize
Frida Skybäck’s bestselling novel The Bookshop on Riverside Drive has been nominated for the Relay KitKat Paperback Prize 2024 in the Novel category for the month of April.
The Relay KitKat Paperback Prize is a new award aiming to engage readers who travel. Founded by Relay, an important bookstore located in airports and railway stations across France, and in collaboration with KitKat, readers are offered a special chocolate and book combination. As the award is also in collaboration with Gleeph, a social media for readers, the jury consists of the 100 biggest readers on the platform.
Each month, from January to May, one novel and one crime novel are selected for the jury to evaluate. The two books with the best reviews, the winners of the prize, will be announced in June.
The French paperback edition of The Bookshop on Riverside Drive is published by Points today, April 5th, 2024.