Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare Praised by Skånska Dagbladet
Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare, the first installment of Christina Wahldén’s new Police Sisters Series, has received a rave review from daily newspaper Skånska Dagbladet:
“Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare is a delightfully entertaining crime novel with great charm but also with a feminist sharpness – not least in the portrayal of the situation of women in a variety of professions (police, journalist, telephone operator, waitress, etc.). There is also a palpable darkness in the depiction of a peaceful life in the shadow of war. What’s especially topical is the portrayal of refugees from the Baltics who are coming to Gotland across the ocean, and it is easy to draw parallels to our own time. […] What characterizes Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare is the lively and joyful storytelling and an exceptionally well-constructed milieu and historical atmosphere. And in addition; it is incredibly thrilling.”
Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare was published by HarperCollins Nordic on May 4th.