Liljestrand in first Danish Review from Weekendavisen
Jens Liljestrand’s Even if Everything Ends has been lauded in a first Danish review from prestigious Weekendavisen:
“Climate fugitive you said? Enjoy. The scene is set in Jens Liljestrand’s breathtaking, entertaining and outstanding novel Even if Everything Ends – in flowing translation by Andrea Fehlauer. (…) Jens Liljestrand, known for an excellent biography on Vilhelm Moberg (among other things) substantiates his novel like a stage for the shifting acts of the human circus: four narrators in the midst of collapse. (…) During the entirety of the novel’s soot-stained song from the abyss, fetid with the smell of burning rubber, resounds a mild morale about the life we once lived. About the choices we are faced with. Or as Vilja puts it: ‘Fucking live with it.’ ”
Even if Everything Ends was published in Denmark on May 25th by Lindhardt og Ringhof