Rave Review For Joakim Zander’s An Honest Life
Joakim Zander has gotten a great early review for his latest novel An Honest Life, from Dagens Bok:
“This story is in many ways prescient of our current moment. In a society where class divides are increasing at a never before seen pace, there is also growing resentment. It is an art, weaving in social critique that in many ways could be educational or moral without for that matter patronizing the reader. In An Honest Life, Joakim Zander delivers critique toward the system in which we are living while also portraying the allure of living outside the law without overly romanticizing or judging anything or anyone. In the same way, the framing with prologue and epilogue is genius – it gives the book an autobiographical touch that contributes an even greater sense of authenticity. […] An Honest Life is an intensely relatable story of the boredom of youth and the longing to feel alive. The hunt for magic, for kicks, and at the same time: an awakening from the naïvité of youth and black and white reasoning. About growing up, becoming your own person, staking out your course – to question the system on which society is built and at the same time lay bare the cracks in what is drawn up as utopian.”
– Dagens Bok
An Honest Life was published by Wahlström & Widstrand on April 5th.