Those Who Sow in Snow in Rave Review from Aftonbladet
Tina Harnesk‘s Those Who Sow in Snow has received a rave review from Aftonbladet Söndag:
“Tina Harnesk plays with language and lets the details speak; like when a half-eaten box of raisins found underneath a reindeer pelt gets to symbolize the heart wrenching loss of a child. Fairy tales, tall tales and joiks sneak around in this instantly charming, melancholic and poetic story, emerging here and there, bringing forth images of life rooted in the Sami spiritual nature. It is often wild and hilarious. […] But the absurd is interlaced with realistic portrayals of defiant bodies, minds, and hearts. A brilliant debut that warms like double Lovikka mittens in the arctic cold.”
Those Who Sow in Snow was published by Bokfabriken on September 21st.